The specific course of training is tailored individually to each intern’s particular training needs. Early in the internship year, the Training Director meets with each intern to review the intern’s prior practicum training experiences and self-assessment of professional training needs. The outcome of this review is a training plan across the following five categories:
(1) assessment and consultation skills (e.g., interviewing, testing, independent case conceptualization, report writing, feedback to referral sources, etc.);
(2) intervention skills (e.g., individual, marital/couples, family, or group psychotherapy, etc.);
(3) populations (e.g., children, adolescents, adults, elderly, medical surgical, pediatric, psychiatric, neurological patients, etc.);
(4) theoretical orientations (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, systems, interpersonal, dynamic, eclectic, etc.); and
(5) other skills (e.g., supervisory experience, research involvement, etc.)
These identified training targets serve as the guide that is used in determining the intern’s clinical training assignments within each Major area of Study. The individualized training plan is reviewed quarterly and is updated based on the intern’s progress and input from the written and oral feedback from the intern’s training supervisors.