
Internship Seminar – a weekly (Fridays at 1 pm) didactic focused on professional issues, ethics, preparing for postdoc applications, clinical supervision, and a monthly discussion of diversity topics.

Friday Forum (2-3 times per month, Fridays at noon) – An examination of cross-cutting topics that apply to the many-faceted members of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. 

Previous topics include:

  • Using AI Responsibly in Clinical Psychology
  • Mentorship
  • Sexuality 101:  Unpacking Beliefs, Values, and Biases Surrounding Sex and Sexual Functioning
  • Acknowledge, Honor, and Integrate: Inclusion of Religion, Spirituality, and Meaning Making in Clinical Psychology
  • Culturally and Linguistically Informed Neuropsychological Evaluation Protocol for Primarily Spanish-Speaking Adults

Area-Specific Seminars

Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology Seminar: This weekly seminar series covers a wide range of topics for our clinical child and pediatric psychology trainees. Topics include clinical skill-building, professional development, ethics, and child-focused research. We regularly have invited speakers from outside disciplines. This seminar is attended by faculty and attendance is required for post-doctoral fellows, interns, and child area graduate students. Med/Health Seminar:  This bi-monthly seminar focuses on clinical and research topics for our med/health trainees.  Interns have an opportunity to present on a topic of interest as well as learn from others in the area.